You’ve decided on your
next leader.
Now make sure the decision
Your chosen candidate is almost certainly a proven operational leader – someone who is great at heading up a particular division in your organisation. However, taking on responsibility for the whole show requires a quite different kind of leadership – strategic leadership.
Becoming a successful strategic leader asks much more of a person. Partly it’s about acquiring fresh skillsets and knowledge.
Even more important, it’s about personal development. Becoming the kind of individual that has the vision to provide the whole organisation with a clear sense of direction. The personal qualities to inspire others to follow them. And the strength of character to keep everyone on track when things get tough.

We’ve created the only leadership development programme specifically designed to help people make this transition.

We’ve spent over twenty years evolving our leadership programme to find the most powerful ways of giving candidates everything they need.
We’ve discovered that a combination of three different approaches, spread over two to three years, works best – it creates a powerful cumulative effect that produces much better long-lasting results.
​There are quicker, leadership development programmes available. And less expensive ones. But when the future of your entire organisation is at stake, we don’t believe in cutting corners.

We help to develop more rounded leaders using a combination of different approaches:

Face to Face
Three times each year, our delegates and the P4L community gather for an overnight programme of off-the-record talks by notable leaders and thinkers, the opportunity to interact with the other participants, each one of them a leader, like them, preparing for the ‘top step’, and an in-depth practical workshop around one or more of the programme themes. During the year, similar sessions may also be delivered online.
Cross Sector Learning
Participants meet and work with new colleagues from different sectors, leaders from the commercial, public and civil society.
Their organisations range from large international corporates to branches of the armed services, public authorities, as well as smaller companies, each one a leader in their field.
One-to-one Mentoring
Each delegate is provided with 1:1
mentoring support throughout the
programme, via an experienced and qualified Board level leader/coach with multi-sector experience, something that they have found especially valuable.
Among our cohort of more than a dozen Critical Friends, we are fortunate to number many whose career experience and consultancy record are recognised and widely admired in the field of leadership development.
Our two stage process
for deeper impact:
This blend of experiential learning, driven and underpinned by practical case studies and topical challenges, with a focus on the self-development, awareness and emotional intelligence, is delivered in two stages.
​A structured programme over two years* covering the entire spectrum of leadership and personal development. Delegates benefit from at least three residential sessions per annum, supplemented by regular online masterclasses, scheduled debates and live leadership challenges, with continued support throughout from a carefully selected Critical Friend.
* This period can be adapted to suit individual delegates' need
One further year of Critical Friend support once a Board/divisional MD role has been secured and/or the core programme has been completed.
The second stage is open to direct entrants as well as participants from Stage One.
Richard Gurney
Global Head of Construction,
"Thought-provoking, insightful and often provided a different
slant to leadership challenges..."
Air Marshal Harv Smyth
Deputy Commander Operations,
Royal Air Force
Dr Jon Taylor
Associate Director Weather Impacts and Advice, Met Office
Immersive Learning
Our overnight face to face events are held in locations such as Cumberland Lodge in Windsor Great Park. They are purposefully chosen so you have the chance to ‘get away’ from the office, switching off from email or phone call distractions, and fully immerse yourself in learning and your own development.

"At Cumberland Lodge, I can spend 24 hours on myself. Priceless!"